Thursday 22 March 2012


hais, i'm so confused now about fyq. does he want this relationship or not?:(
yes, i do love him. but why issit so hard for us to meet each other?
does god let us to be fated together? i love him too much.
if i know this things can happened i will never fall in love with him.

i have no one esle except him in my heart. i mean there's my family.
as for love. only him. this coming 28march. is our 10months knowing each other
but i see nothing ;( he says that before i start my school he wants to meet me
i hope so. i really wanna meet him n share my life with.
i hope he meant whatever he say all this while. im so scared
but at the same time i do pray to allah to show me the right way & show me too.
i hope allah will answer my prayers soon. i just want the best of us & him.
i really do love him. i hope this 10months i have been waiting it's worth it

oh yallah, tolong lah jawabkan doa doa ku.
ku ingin berjumpa sama dia yallah. tkmo lah kau seksa aku bergini sekali yallah